Multiply the width and length, and then multiply that result with the height.
the volume of the box is 1
A box is a three dimensional object, and you have only stated one dimension. _________________________________________________________________ A box has all of the same length sides. The volume of the box is 27mm3.
the area of the box * * * * * The correct answer is the VOLUME (or capacity) of the box.
A box with a volume of 14 cm3 has a capacity of 14 milliliters.
Volume is measured in cubic measurements, such as m3, cm3, ft3, etc... .
If the volume of the smaller rectangular box is 27 in3, what is the volume of the larger rectangular box?
A box with a volume of 5,184 cubic inches has an equivalent volume of 0.11 cubic yards.
Find the volume of the box by using the measurments given; use the equation: V=L*B*H The volume of the closed box is the same as the volume of the open box. The difference is just that the open box has no top.
The volume of the big box is 216 cubic units (6x6x6). The volume of the small box is 64 cubic units (4x4x4). When the small box is placed inside the big box, the remaining volume is 152 cubic units (216 - 64), since the small box occupies 64 cubic units within the big box.
The volume of the box will be multiplied byeight.
the volume of the box is 1
Box A will displace more water if it has a greater volume compared to Box B, even though they have the same weight. The volume of water displaced is equal to the volume of the object immersed in it.
Since the depth of the box is unknown, it is impossible to calculate the volume of the box.
Block being a box: Height * Length * Depth = Volume Giving the three dimensions available.
You have decreased the volume
No box can have a volume of 81 ft because volume cannot be measured in feet.A box with a volume of 81 CUBIC feet could be 1 ft * 1.5 ft * 54 feet.
A box is a three dimensional object, and you have only stated one dimension. _________________________________________________________________ A box has all of the same length sides. The volume of the box is 27mm3.