If there is no decimal, then 019 is bigger.
Yes you can.
First change the percent to a decimal: .46 and then multiply the number by the decimal: 930 x .46= 427.8.
7.5 percent is equivalent to 0.075 in decimal or 15/2 in fraction.
It is 19It is 19It is 19It is 19
If there is no decimal, then 019 is bigger.
Yes you can.
First change the percent to a decimal: .46 and then multiply the number by the decimal: 930 x .46= 427.8.
7.5 percent is equivalent to 0.075 in decimal or 15/2 in fraction.
It is 19It is 19It is 19It is 19
The easiest way is to shift the decimal point one place to the left.
Percent means " per 100." To calculate percentages convert the percent to a decimal. 7.25 / 100 = .0725. Then multiply the number you are trying to figure out the percentage of by this decimal. 89.75 x .0725 = 6.507 .
To calculate 10 percent of 884, you first can convert 10% to a decimal: 10% = .10Next, you multiply the two together: 884 x .10 = 88.4
You need to convert the percentage into its decimal form first. Then multiply the decimal by the number. 20% as a decimal is 0.20 0.20 x 40 = 8
You can do it in your head. All you do is move the decimal point one place left...
.019 x 5429 = 108.58-5.429= 103.151
calculate 10%, merely move the decimal point over one place. answer 154.832.