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The calculation is an hour for every 15 degrees you are away from the Greenwich meridian . You need to know your longitude , then do the calculation . Remember to do plus or minus depending if you are East or West....... eg. if you are in mid Atlantic somewhere , say 45 degrees West .....its minus three hours..

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Q: How do you calculate Greenwich hour angle?
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C program to find the angle between the needles of a clock?

minute_deg = minute * 360 / 60 = minute * 6;The hour hand will make a complete revolution every hour, so its formula is:hour_deg = hour * 360 / 12 = hour * 30;A function to find the angle would be:int angleBetweenHands(int hour, int minute){if(hour > 12) // In case of 24 hour clockhour -= 12;int angle = hour * 30 - minute * 6;if(angle > 180)angle = 360 - angle;return(angle);}Read more: C_code_to_find_angle_between_hour_hand_and_minute_hand

Name of imaginary line at which 24 hour day begins?

Greenwich meridian

Can you show a 130 angle?

Yes, I can.It is the angle between the hour hand and 12 when the time is 4:20Yes, I can.It is the angle between the hour hand and 12 when the time is 4:20Yes, I can.It is the angle between the hour hand and 12 when the time is 4:20Yes, I can.It is the angle between the hour hand and 12 when the time is 4:20

How do you calculate the size of an angle?


C code to find angle between hour hand and minute hand?

Lets start by thinking of a clock as a circle, with directly up being 0 degrees. At 12:00, both hands are at 0 pointing straight up. Every 60 minutes, the minute hand will make a complete revolution, so at any given time its angle is: minute_deg = minute * 360 / 60 = minute * 6; The hour hand will make a complete revolution every hour, so its formula is: hour_deg = hour * 360 / 12 = hour * 30; A function to find the angle would be: int angleBetweenHands(int hour, int minute) { if(hour > 12) // In case of 24 hour clock hour -= 12; int angle = hour * 30 - minute * 6; if(angle > 180) angle = 360 - angle; return(angle); }

Related questions

What is Hour angle system?

The hour angle system is a method used to measure the position of a celestial object in the sky. It measures the angular distance of an object from the observer's meridian, usually in hours (equivalent to 15 degrees per hour). By knowing the hour angle, one can determine the right ascension and declination of the object.

Why is Nigeria one hour ahead of Ghana?

Nigeria is one hour ahead of Ghana due their different position from the Greenwich meridian. Ghana is at the Greenwich meridian while Nigeria is at +1 Greenwich which accounts for the difference in one hour.

How long from Heathrow to greenwich?

About 1 hour

What is the time difference of Amsterdam Holland and Rome Italy?

Holland is (Greenwich Mean Time) GMT +1 hour, ie. 1 hour ahead of Greenwich, England. Italy is (Greenwich Mean Time) GMT +1 hour, ie. 1 hour ahead of Greenwich, England. There is no time difference between Amsterdam and Rome. (Daylight savings not taken into account.)

How do you calculate from GMT?

If you are to the west of the Greenwich Meridian (as is the US, for example) You subtract an hour for each time zone. Eastern Standard Time in the US is 5 hours behind GMT. Be sure to adjust for daylight saving time. GMT is always standard time. If you are to the east of the Greenwich Meridian, you add an hour for each time zone.

How do you calculate the angle of a right angle?

The definition of a right angle is an angle measuring 90 degrees. You don't have to calculate anything.

What is the time difference between Germany and California?

California is (Greenwich Mean Time) GMT -8 hours, ie. 8 hours behind Greenwich, England. Germany is (Greenwich Mean Time) GMT +1 hour, ie. 1 hour ahead of Greenwich, England. California is 9 hours behind Germany. (Daylight savings not taken into account.)

What is the time difference between England and Munich?

England is at (Greenwich Mean Time) GMT. Munich is (Greenwich Mean Time) GMT +1 hour, ie. 1 hour ahead of Greenwich, England. England is 1 hour behind Munich. (Daylight savings not taken into account.)

What is the time zone of Rome?

Greenwich (GMT) + 1 hour.

What hour means 7.45 in an Easter country as it's Romania?

Bucharest hour is Greenwich + 2.

Which cities are ahead and before Greenwich time?

Typically countries in the western hemisphere with negative longitude values will be behind Greenwich time and those in the eastern hemisphere with positive longitude values will be ahead of Greenwich time. For example, Oslo Norway which is east of Greenwich is one hour ahead of GMT (GMT +1) and the Azores (GMT -1) which is west of Greenwich is one hour behind GMT.

How long is it on the tube from paddington to greenwich tube station?

About 1 hour