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Q: How do you calculate Spearman's rank using excel?
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Is it right to rank people?

Ranking people enables those who are not doing well to improve while encouraging those who excel to continue doing so. It is therefore a good thing to rank people.

What is an example how to calculate Spearman's rank correlation?


You like to find 85 percentile rank of a series of Data in EXCEL?

Use =PERCENTILE(range,0.85) where range is the data that you want to analyse.

How do you give a rank of a Habbo retro?

If you are the owner of the hotel/retro u can give a rank.. How to give a Rank: giving rank is by numbers (e.g. 7,6 *highest is 7*) You can give rank in your housekeeping or in your database(localhost) if u are using it.

How do you beat ryoku on AQWorlds?

I Would Suggest Using Rank 5 Healer Class (Rank 5 Being The Lowest Posible Rank For Beating Him) XD

In Pokemon platinum's contest why can't i play great rank ultra rank and master rank all my Pokemon are unable to do it?

are you using the same Pokemon for the contests, e.g Ambipom for cool normal rank, if you win, he should be able 2 do cool great rank

How do you advance a rank by using a cheat on fate undiscovered realms?

yes you do

Can you give me sentence using advanced?

The rank was advanced by one league.

How do you beat zongazonga in the final battle?

By using vivasaurs at LEAST rank 11

Were are all of the ranked navis in megaman battle network 3 blue?

Rank 10 is in HadesNet. Rank 9 is in HospComp 2 using the warp point in Beach 1. Rank 8 is in Undernet 3. Rank 7 is in PrincipalComp 2. Rank 3 is in Undernet 4. Rank 2 is in the DNN studio battle terminal. Rank 1 is technically in Secret Area 3, but don't worry about that.

Can Soldiers using Facebook disclose rank or Dod affiliation?

No they cannot. It is against the code.

How do you get perstige on mw3?

Using MW3 Prestige Rank Hack for free by getting it from the Modern Warfare Prestige Hack site and using it to edit and hack your Prestige Level, Rank and unlock everything from guns, camouflage and attachments. Source