The average is about 30.4 days, which provides a closer estimation than using 30 days. Dividing 365 calendar days by 12 gives you 30.4167 days in the average month. Dividing by 365.25 days (Julian year) by 12 is 30.4375 days for an average month.
There are approximately 2.6 months in 80 days. To calculate this, you can divide the total number of days by the average number of days in a month (30.4). This will give you an estimate of how many months are in 80 days.
So there are 12 months in a year. There is on average 365.25 days in a year. Therefore 365.25 / 12 is 30.4375 days per month avr. This *24*60*60 is 2,629,800 seconds in a month.
There are 12 months in 369 days. There are 3 or 4 days left over, which you could say was part of a 13th month. But there are only 12 full months in 369 days. There is no fixed number of days in a month, but the average is 30.4 days a month and a year of 12 months is 365 or 366 days (365.25 average).
Calculating an average is done in two steps: - First: you calculate the sum of the terms whose average you would like to calculate. - Second: you divide the sum of the terms by their number. In your case: - First: 10 + 6 + 12 = 28 - Second: 28 / 3 = 9.33333.... 3 is the number of terms added together which are: 10, 6 and 12 (3 numbers). Answer: Therefore your average is: 9.33333....
Add together the total sales for each month of the year. Divided this total by 12 to find the average.
Average number of weeks in a month is 52 / 12 = 4.3333 (4 and one third).
a 12 month old has about 5 to 4 mabey 6 teeth by that age.
If you're talking about Annualized Turnover calculations for Human Resources: 12 month, annualized - turnover # for a month divided by the headcount for the group. Then multiply that by 12/1 (12 equating to the fact that there are 12 months in a year, 1 being the respective month you are in ... the 2nd month would be '2', the 3rd month would be '3', etc). It gets a little more complicated when you get to month '2' of the equation because you'll need the 'Average Turnover #' and the 'Average Headcount' up to that point in time. It's best to think of Annualization as a predicted indicator 12th month performance if all headcount and turnover remain constant, it's like a predictor.
The hottest city in Texas on average is McAllen. It has an average 12-month temperature of 74.6 degrees. In contrast, the coldest city in Texas is Stratford with an average 12-month temperature of 55 degrees.
The average is about 30.4 days, which provides a closer estimation than using 30 days. Dividing 365 calendar days by 12 gives you 30.4167 days in the average month. Dividing by 365.25 days (Julian year) by 12 is 30.4375 days for an average month.
To calculate the average of monthly sales, you would need sales data for a period of time such as one year. Then you would add up each month's takings and divide by 12, as there are twelve months in a year.
You calculate how much it rains in a month in mm (millimeters) then after 12 months you add the results up and you have your answer.
30 lbs
74 cm
the minimum balance witin the month times times pevailing interest rate multiplied by month and divide by 12
Babies tend to gain an average of 2 pounds per a 2 month old would weigh something over ten pounds.