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Area can only be measured in square metres, it cannot be measured in metres cubed. Conversely, cubic metres can only be used for volume, not area.

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Q: How do you calculate area of cylinder in meter cube?
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What is meter meter square and meter cube and how to calculate this?

They are: 1 square meter = 1*1 = 12 meters and 1 cube meter = 1*1*1 = 13 meters

How do you calculate area of cube?

Total surface area of a cube: 6 times a side squared

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How do you calculate surface area of cube?

Multiply the area of one of its faces by 6

What is the formula to calculate the total surface area of a cube?

Total Surface Area = 6L2. Where L = the length of one side of the cube.

One edge of a metallic cube measures 2cm the cube is lowered into a cylinder containing 173cm³. calculate the volume after the cube has been lowered into the water?

173 - 23 =165cm3

How do you calculate surface area volume of a cube?

If a cube has sides of length x cm then area = 6x2 cm2 and volume = x3 cm3

Calculate the inside area of a cube?

To calculate the inside area of a cube, you would calculate the surface area of one of the cube's faces and then multiply that by 6 (since a cube has 6 faces). The formula for the surface area of one face of a cube is side length squared (A = s^2), where s is the side length of the cube. Once you find the surface area of one face, you would multiply that by 6 to get the total inside area of the cube.

1 square meter equal to how many meter cube?

Talk to your teacher about volume and area...."square" is a planar measure (two dimensions)"cube" is a volume dimension (three dimensions)one cannot be converted into the other.The SURFACE area of a one meter cube is 6 square metersCubic means volume and square means area. A tank that measures 1 meter wide by 1 meter long by 1 meter tall has a volume of 1 cubic meter and the area of its basis ( 1 meter wide by 1 meter long) equals 1 square meter.This cannot be answered as they are different units. It's like asking how many points are there in a straight line.None- these are measurements of different dimensions. Your question is almost like asking how many inches are a cup and of what color.A cube of one cubic meter volume has a surface area of 6 square metersA rectangular block of one cubic meter volume having dimensions 0,5 * 0,5 * 4 meters has a surface area of 8,5square metersA sphere with a volume of one cubic meter has a surface area of about 4,836 square meters (this is the shape with the smallest area per volume - that is why bubbles and planets and stars are spherical)The dimensions that are used to calculate area (m2) are only enough to provide us with a 2D image of the object. To calculate volume (m3), a 3D image (i.e. its depth) is a necessary component. Therefore, 1 m2 cannot be equal to any form of m3.

How do you calculate cube area?

height x length x deaph

Is a cube and cylinder alike?

yes! A cube is a type of prism. A prism is a subcategory of a cylinder. Then I cube is a type of cylinder

Why the flux density is in square meters not meter cube?

Flux is the number of lines or particle passing per unit area. The unit of area is meter square.