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Q: How do you calculate circumference of a round tank?
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The round perimeter of circle is its circumference

How do you calculate the outside square footage of a round tank?

First of all, you need to know the radius of the tank. Second, what does outside square footage mean?

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the question: a cylindrical tank has a circumference of 13.2, determine the diameter and the cross-sectional area of the tank?

What is the definition of a round tank?

Your mama! The definition of a round tank is a tank that is round. Why is it called a round tank? because of the answer... Did I tell you that you are an idiot to answer that question.

What is the circumference of a 12 foot Diameter tank?

I am going to assume you have a cylindrical tank. The base of a cylindical tank is a circle. The circumference of a circle is 2*Pi*r or Pi*d. So, the circumference of your tank would be Pi*12 ~= 37.7'

How do you calculate circumference?

to calculate circumference you find a circles radius or diameter. you do diameter times pi or radius times 2 times pi. the you have circumference!

How do you calculate the square footage of a round tank?

you use the formula: Pi x radius (half the diameter) squared.

What is formula for calculate volume of round tank in liters?

diamater 1300 x Hight 1800. what is the volume in litres

What is the circumference of a 12 inch round circle in pi?

Assuming the '12 inch' is the radius. Then C = 2 pi r C = 2 pi 12 C = 24 pi ( Thr asnswer in terms of 'pi').

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Contribution of eratosthenes?

Eratosthenes had many contributions : he was the first person to calculate the circumference of the earth he invented latitude and longitude he was the first person to prove earth was round he was the first to calculate the tilt of Earth's axis