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Q: How do you calculate discretionary money?
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Example of discretionary spending?

There are a great many examples in the world of discretionary spending. Discretionary spending can be as simple as choosing whether you want to spend your money on ice cream.

Money left over after the bills are paid is referred to as what?

discretionary income.

What is an example of a fixed expense thats paid for with discretionary funds?

Budget items that remain the same month to moth is an example of a fixed expense that is paid for with discretionary funds. Discretionary fund is the money that is subject to one's own control.

What is money left over after paying necessities?

discretionary income ka-ching!

What is the term for Money left to spend after necessary expenses are paid?

Discretionary Income

What is the difference between discretionary and non discretionary spending?

Discretionary fiscal policies are those that are enacted in response to a need, for example, a tax cut. Non-discretionary fiscal policies are those that happen regardless of conditions or need, for example, the welfare system.

What is discretionary spending within a budget?

Money that can be used for any purpose

What can discretionary funds be used to pay?

Discretionary funds are government spending by passing an appropriations bill to pay for a program such as military spending or education. The money is raised and can only be spent on the program in the bill.

What is the difference between a consumer's disposable and discretionary income?

Disposable income is the money a consumer has left after paying taxes to use for necesities such as food housing, clothing, and transportation. Discretionary income is the money that remains after paying for taxes and necessities and is used for luxury items.

What is a discretionary income?

the amount of money available in a budget after all identified expenses has been paid

What is the money left over after paying your necessary expenses called?

Discretionary Income Discretionary income = Gross income - taxes - all compelled payments (bills) Reference:

How does discretionary spending differ form mandatory spending?

mandatory spending refers to money that lawmakers are required by existing laws to spend on certain programs and discretionary spending is spending about which government planners can make choices