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The first derivative of position calculates instantaneous speed. If you do not know how to differentiate, then either use a calculator, use slope on the graph (if it's linear or piecewise-linear), or learn how...

The derivative according to Newton is the limit as h approaches 0 of (f(x+h)-f(x))/h, and according to Leibniz it's the limit as x approaches a of (f(x)-f(a))/(x-a).

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Q: How do you calculate instantaneouse speed?
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How many hours does it take to drive 574 miles?

That depends on the speed. Divide the distance by the speed to calculate this.That depends on the speed. Divide the distance by the speed to calculate this.That depends on the speed. Divide the distance by the speed to calculate this.That depends on the speed. Divide the distance by the speed to calculate this.

You can calculate the average speed of an object by?

the speed

Is it easier to calculate speed or average speed?

I'm sure that average speed would be easier to calculate than instantaneous speed. To calculate average speed, just take the time that it takes to travel between two points, and divide that into the distance between the points.

How do you calculate the speed of waves?

Speed = Wavelength X Frequency

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time = distance ÷ speed

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Speed = Wavelength X Frequency

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Why can you only calculate a stone's average speed during its fall?

That is just not true! If you can calculate its average speed you should be able to calculate its speed at any point in time during its flight, including its final velocity.

How do you calculate speed when you have the force mass and acceleration?

You can calculate speed by dividing the force by the mass to get acceleration, and then multiplying the acceleration by time. Speed = acceleration x time.

How do you calculate force if you only have speed?

To calculate force when given speed, you would need to know the mass of the object. The equation that relates force, speed, and mass is F = m*a, where F is the force, m is the mass, and a is the acceleration (change in speed over time). Without knowing the mass or acceleration, it is not possible to calculate the force.

What formula is used to calculate motion?

You can use a graph to calculate speed.

How do you calculate exact speed?

You can calculate a speed by dividing a distance by the time it takes to cover that distance. If you want the instantaneous speed (for situations of variable speed), you need to calculate the distance and time for a fairly short time interval (ideally, the limit, when the time approaches zero).