They are all technically ways to calculate the average of numbers
mean is the average off all the numbers, median is the middle number and mode is the number that occurred more often
If you have calculated a histogram of your data, the mode is the interval with the highest relative frequency. If you have not created a histogram, and your dataset contains finite numbers (fixed decimal numbers), with some numbers repeating, then those numbers that repeat the most would be the mode. Otherwise, if you do not group your data, where you select an interval to calculate relative frequency, then a mode is not identifiable.
there is no mode at all then
If there is no repeated numbers there is simply no mode. If there is two numbers that are the same, (example: 3,3) then that will be your mode. (Data: 3,3 Mode:3)
They are all technically ways to calculate the average of numbers
mean is the average off all the numbers, median is the middle number and mode is the number that occurred more often
If you have calculated a histogram of your data, the mode is the interval with the highest relative frequency. If you have not created a histogram, and your dataset contains finite numbers (fixed decimal numbers), with some numbers repeating, then those numbers that repeat the most would be the mode. Otherwise, if you do not group your data, where you select an interval to calculate relative frequency, then a mode is not identifiable.
to calculate the mode first you take the number sequence that you have been given and find the number that appears the most/ is the most common. the number that is the most common is the mode.
8924 is the number that comes 1100 numbers after 7824.
there is no mode at all then
If there is no repeated numbers there is simply no mode. If there is two numbers that are the same, (example: 3,3) then that will be your mode. (Data: 3,3 Mode:3)
There is no mode if all of the numbers are different.
1000, 1020, 1040, 1060, 1080, and 1100
It is whatever number is repeated the most in that givin set of numbers, there can be no mode or multiple numbers considered as the mode.