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YOU don't calculate it. The Workman's Compensation Board Examiner does.

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Q: How do you calculate percentage of physical handicap?
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He is blind.

What percentage of golfers have a 5 handicap or better?

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A disabling physical handicap is often called A?


What percentage of golfers have a plus handicap?

One in two thousand or 0.05%.

The Prophet Moses had a Physical Handicap What was it?

a Speech (pronunciation) problem

What percentage of golfers have a 8 handicap?

According to the USGA, 16% of golfers (who maintain a handicap) play to an 8 or better. Currently, I'm an 8.

What is the percentage of 35 grams per 1000 milliliters?

It is not possible to calculate a percentage of two values when they are measuring different physical characteristics. A gram is a measure of mas while a millilitre is a measure of volume. One of them must be converted to the other basis in order to calculate a percentage.

What physical handicap does Al Pacino's character have in Scent of a Woman?

He is blind.

What is the synonym of handicap?

Disable or disability, depending on whether you mean the verb handicap or the noun handicap. defect, impairment, physical abnormality, disadvantage, restriction, obstacle, limitation, drawback, impediment, stumbling block

Which is better a plus 2 handicap or a minus 2 handicap?

This is where someones handicap is less than 0. When you have your gross score you actually add your handicap on to calculate your nett score.

Would your handicap be the same on the yellow tees as it would be on the white tees?

No. A true USGA handicap takes into consideration the tees being played. The slope rating and course rating which are used to calculate your handicap are different for each tee.