

How do you calculate r2?

Updated: 9/22/2023
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Q: How do you calculate r2?
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How do you Calculate circular area?

a = (pi)r2

How do you calculate the are of a circle?

To calculate the area of a circle use this formula: pi x r2.

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If you know the radius then pi r2/4

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If g represents height or length then: pi*r2*g = volume of a cylinder

How do you calculate the cicumference of a circle?

Well, I always use this formula: pi x r2

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If the radius of the circle is r, then the area of the WHOLE circle is pi*r2 so the area of the semicircle is half that, ie 0.5*pi*r2

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The formula to calculate volume of a cylinder is: V = r2 x Pi x height (r = radius)

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3.14 (pi) x r2 x3.14 (pi) = Area of circle

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1/3 x 3.14x r2(squared) x h( height

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An area of a circle is pi*r2 - so an area of a semicircle is 0.5*pi*r2: 0.5*3.14*42 = 25.13 square meters

Are there any cheat codes for madden 09 for PS2?

yes press R1,R2,R1,R2,R1,R2,R1,R2,R1,R2,R1,R2,R1,R2,R1,R2,R1,R2,R1,R2,R1,R2,R1,R2,R1,R2,R1,R2,R1,R2,R1,R2,R1,R2,R1,R2,R1,R2,R1,R2,R1,R2,R1,R2,R1,R2,R1,R2,R1,R2,R1,R2,R1,R2,R1,R2,R1,R2,R1,R2,R1,R2,R1,R2,R1,R2,R1,R2,R1,R2,R1,R2,R1,R2,R1,R2,R1,R2,R1,R2,R1,R2,R1,R2,R1,R2,R1,R2, then press select to complete the entire game

Calculate the volume im cubic meters of pipe that is 13.44 meters in length and 132mm OD?

Pi r2 l = m3 3.141592654 (Pi) x 0.066x0.066 (r2) x 13.44 (l) 0.1839 m3