Monthly rent per square foot is total monthly rent divided by the square footage
Monthly Rent Per Square Foot x 12 to Calculate Annual Rent
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It depends on where in the world you are.
Monthly rent is price per square foot x square feet. Monthly rent = 11.76 x 4000 Monthly rent = 47040 47,040
A 1,200 square feet parcel at $7.25 per square foot is worth: 1200 sq.ft. X $7.25/sq.ft. = $8,700
(13000 square feet) * ($6 per square foot) = $78000 Whether this is month or per year depends on how the price was quoted (you didn't specify).
you figure lengtH TIMES WIDTH TIMES heigth then add material cost per foot
4238/3200 = 1.324375 per sqare foot
$6,480 divided by 8,500 square feet = $0.76 per square foot.
hoiw much does winn dixie pay per square foot
It depends on where in the world you are.
it is 1.9999999999
1.85 per square foot
Monthly rent is price per square foot x square feet. Monthly rent = 11.76 x 4000 Monthly rent = 47040 47,040
Roughly 15 cents per square foot. Most charge by room rather than footage and location.
A 200 square foot room costing $450.00 costs $2.25 per square foot. 450 / 200 = 2.25
A 1,200 square feet parcel at $7.25 per square foot is worth: 1200 sq.ft. X $7.25/sq.ft. = $8,700