21cm and 16cm.what is the difference in height?
To calculate volume simply do length x width x height
Messure it,
The height and longer diagonal do not provide enough information to calculate the sides.
If you cannot estimate the height then, unless it is a very specific shape, you cannot calculate the volume.
To calculate the weight of steel without using a steel table book, you can use the formula: Weight = Volume x Density. First, calculate the volume of the steel by multiplying the length, width, and height. Then, multiply the volume by the density of the specific type of steel being used.
A counter table can be any length of width but measures 34 to 36 inches high. A standard height table can be any height or length but measures 28 to 30 inches high.
How can you calculate height of airport traffic control tower?
76 cm.
Standard table height is 30 inches.
Of what?
21cm and 16cm.what is the difference in height?
You just cube the height....like height to the 3rd power (height*height*height)
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A normal Table height is 31 inches, I believe.
You can calculate the volume by multiplying height, width, and mass. Then, divide the mass by the density to find the volume. Finally, calculate the length by dividing the volume by the height and width.
To calculate volume simply do length x width x height