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All you need to do is multiply the diameter by pi. Pi's decimal equivalent is 3.14159... The reason that I put the triple period was to signify that pi is a non-ruccuring, or transcendental number, which means it has infinite digits after the decimal. For general purposes though all you would need to know is that pi = 3.14 since you would not likely need to calculate anything past two decimals.

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Q: How do you calculate the area of a circle when you have the diameter?
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Divide the area by Pi to get the diameter.

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The base of a cone is a circle. The area of a circle is found by multiplying the diameter by Pi.

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To calculate this you will need the diameter of the circle. The formula is: diameter/2*pi If you don't know the diameter you can also use the area of the circle: Sqrt(Area/pi) = radius

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Using the Circumference And Area.

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Area is 4.6 m2

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Area= Pi r squared

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Take out the diameter of the outer circle from the distance between the two. Gives you the diameter of the inner circle then pi r squared it.

What may be calculated from its diameter?

If by "it" you mean a circle, once you know the diameter, you can calculate its radius, its circumference, and its area.

The diameter of the a circle is 2.42 m calculate its area in signicicant figures?

Area is 4.6 m2

How do you calculate the area of a circle without a radius?

Use the diameter and divide it by two.

What is the area of a circle that has a 25 inch diameter?

Calculate the radius, which is simply 1/2 the diameter. Then use the standard formula for the area of a circle. ________________________________________________________________ The circle area = (pi) x diameter / 4 = 3.14 x 25/4 = 19.625 Sq inch