Fill the fuel tank to the top and record the mileage. The next time you fill up record the mileage and number of gallons. Now divide the number of gallons into the number of miles driven since last fill up and you will have the mpg.
32.18 mpg
The MPG (mileage per gallon) for a mid-size car is normally distributed with a mean of 32 and a standard deviation of .8. What is the probability that the MPG for a selected mid-size car would be less than 33.2?
I suggest you first calculate how much gas you need. Then you can multiply by the unit cost of gas to find the total cost. (By the way, gasoline is not the only cost involved in driving a car.)
Distance divided by mpg = amount of gas If you drove 60 miles and your vehicle gets 20 mpg, you would have used 3 gallons.
179/6.04 = 29.63 mpg
check here
Calculate the distance. Calculate your mpg. Divide mpg into distance
That depends heavily on the fuel efficiency of the car you are using and the type of driving.If you know how many Miles per Gallon (MPG) your vehicle gets, you can calculate the fuel like this:Miles / MPG = GallonsThat depends heavily on the fuel efficiency of the car you are using and the type of driving.If you know how many Miles per Gallon (MPG) your vehicle gets, you can calculate the fuel like this:Miles / MPG = Gallons
form_title= Gas Calculator form_header= Calculate your gas milage and save! What is your average MPG? *= _ [50] What is the most MPG your car can get?*= _ [50] How often do you drive your car?*= _ [50] Do you drive on the city our country roads?*= () Country () City
Usually highway driving is where a car gets the most mpg.
if your car is around 20 MPG then; Calculate the gallos u are going to use 2400 miles / 20 MPG= 120 Gallons x $3.25 = $390
You can get an mpg calculator for your car at the local custom car shops. They will install it for you if you buy it from them. They make them very fast for any car.
Is the mpg based on your calculations or based on the trip computer? If the mpg that you cited is off the trip computer it is most likely that you have not driven for a sufficient amount of time/distance for the car to calculate your true avg mpg.
This depends entirely on how many miles per gallon (MPG) your car gets. A car that does 82 MPG, will use only 1 gallon. A car that does 41 MPG, will use 2 a gallons. A car that does 20 MPG will use 4 gallons. Divide the number of miles, by the known MPG of the vehicle.
Use this formula: mpg x 0.425 = km per liter