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Q: How do you calculate the numbers of organisms in a pyramid of numbers?
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What would biomass tell us that a pyramid of numbers wouldn't?

A pyramid of numbers will only tell you the amount of organisms at each trophic level. A Biomass pyramid ignores the amount of organisms in favour of their biomass (dry weight) which in turn represents the amount of energy available at each trophic level.

What is the difference between a biomass pyramid and a numbers pyramid?

Biomass pyramids show how much biomass is present in the organisms at each trophic level. A pyramid of numbers does not deal with living organisms. Source: This, again, is my brainless answer! However, please take it seriously, for I found it in a real website this time. -_-

What is the difference between a pyramid of numbers and a biomass pyramid?

Biomass pyramids show how much biomass is present in the organisms at each trophic level. A pyramid of numbers does not deal with living organisms. Source: This, again, is my brainless answer! However, please take it seriously, for I found it in a real website this time. -_-

What is the difference between a biomass pyramid and pyramid of numbers?

Biomass pyramids show how much biomass is present in the organisms at each trophic level. A pyramid of numbers does not deal with living organisms. Source: This, again, is my brainless answer! However, please take it seriously, for I found it in a real website this time. -_-

Which level of the energy pyramid has the fewest numbers of organisms?

The larger herbivores which are hunted by predators.

What are three kinds of ecological pyramids?

Energy flux pyramidBiomass pyramidNumbers pyramid (the numerical value of the organisms in each trofic level)The pyramid of numbers and the pyramid of biomass are two kinds of ecological pyramids. Another is the pyramid of energy.

Why must there be more organisms at the bottom of the pyramid of numbers at the top?

There needs to be more organisms at the bottom of the pyramid of numbers because each trophic level requires energy from the level below it, resulting in a decrease in available energy as you move up the food chain. This means that more organisms are needed at lower levels to support the energy requirements of those at higher levels.

What is the difference between a biomass pyramid and a pyramid of number?

Biomass pyramids show how much biomass is present in the organisms at each trophic level. A pyramid of numbers does not deal with living organisms. Source: This, again, is my brainless answer! However, please take it seriously, for I found it in a real website this time. -_-

Could you please explain to me about food chains and pyramid of numbers?

For a food chain it means that every organism within an ecosystem provides energy for other organisms and food chains are a way of showing a step by step sequence of who eats whom in an ecosystem. Pyramid of numbers can ve drwn by counting the number of organisms at each trophic level in an ecosystem. When these numbers are then represented on a vertical graph, with the volume of each level representing the number of organisms at that level, the graph sometimes takes on a the general shape of a pyramid.

What is pyramid of energy?

a pyramid of energy shows how organisms get or produce their food

What is the advantage of using a biomass or energy pyramid rather than a pyramid of numbers?

Not all organisms have the same mass. Consider 1 whale versus 5,000 plankton - the whale has much greater mass, but only 0.1% of the total number of organisms. When you compare mass, you get a better idea of how much energy is actually available at that trophic level. Basically, they are better to understand.

Which organisms does the base of an energy pyramid?

Plants represent the base of the Energy Pyramid.