

Best Answer

To calculate the rates, divide the number of persons who

become ill after they ate a particular food or meal by the total number of

persons (both cases and controls) who ate that food or meal, and multiply

the results by 100.

Number of new cases reported during an endemic period x multiplier


Total population at the beginning of the endemic period

The multiplier is usually a large multiple of 100, often 1000, 100 000 or 1 000 000 depending on the population size.

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Q: How do you calculate the overall attack rate of disease in epidemiology?
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How do you calculate the secondary attack rate of disease in epidemiology?

Number of new cases among contacts of known cases x multiplier--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Size of the the contact population at riskThe secondary attack rate is the probability that infection will occur among people at risk given a reasonable incubation period following proven contact with infection persons (AKA known cases) or infected sourcesThe multiplier is usually a multiple of 100, often 1000, 100 000 or 1 000 000 depending on the population size.

Why is lightning l drago forbidden?

It's forbidden because of it's reverse rotation. It spins left instead of right, which both steals spin from the opponent while it's triple bladed fusion wheel knocks it back for massive damage. Along with this it has two attack modes, the Swift Attack and the Upper Attack. The Swift Attack repeatedly attack the enemy for many light attack bursts at once. If switched to the Upper Attack, it attack the opponent in an upward motion for a large knock back, this is good for a ring out on arenas that actually have ring outs.NO NO NO NO NO NO NO!Lightning is NOT forbidden, and Upper mode has no Upper Attack! Also, spin steal and knockback are mutually exclusive goals. A beyblade must grind against the opponent for a bit to spin steal effectively. Launching it across the stadium does not usually lead to prolonged contact.

What does RBA stand for?

Random Boner Attack

Which kind of attack on cryptosystems involves using a collection of pre-identified terms?

The kind of attack you are referring to is known as a known-plaintext attack. In this type of attack, the attacker has access to both the plaintext and the corresponding ciphertext, and the goal is to deduce the encryption key or algorithm used. By analyzing the patterns or relationships between the known plaintext and ciphertext, the attacker can potentially uncover vulnerabilities in the cryptosystem.

For what do the letters wa stand?

Wing attack in netball

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What is the difference between incidence rate ratio and relative risk ratio?

Incidence rate and relative risk are two different measurements used in epidemiology to study illness/disease in specified populations.Incidence rate refers to the number of new cases of a condition in a defined (specified) group or population. It is often expressed as a ratio. For example, if there are 1000 people and 14 of them develop a condition, the incidence rate is 14 per 1000 or 1.4%Relative risk is a measurement that indicates probability of cause. In other words, how likely is it that a place, person or agent is responsible for causing disease/illness.Before you can calculate relative risk, you must first calculate an attack rate on different groups. An attack rate refers to the number of people exposed to an illness compaired to those who actually became sick. To calculate the attack rate, you divide the number of people ill by those who were exposed, and then multiply by 100.To then calculate the relative risk, you divide the attack rate of those sick by the attack rate of those who are not sick.The closer the relative risk is to 1.0, the less likely it is the cause of disease.The higher the relative risk, the more likely it is that it is the cause of disease.

How do you calculate the secondary attack rate of disease in epidemiology?

Number of new cases among contacts of known cases x multiplier--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Size of the the contact population at riskThe secondary attack rate is the probability that infection will occur among people at risk given a reasonable incubation period following proven contact with infection persons (AKA known cases) or infected sourcesThe multiplier is usually a multiple of 100, often 1000, 100 000 or 1 000 000 depending on the population size.

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The point in the overall story where the play begins.IE. In Oedipus Rex, the Point of Attack is near the end of the overall story, where in Hamlet it is near the beginning of the Overall story.

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heart attack or heart disease

How does the immune system response to the disease?

It sends antibodies to attack the intrusion. (disease)

What are two diseases that affect the heart?

A heart attack and high blood pressure:coronary heart disease - disease of the blood vessels supplying the heart muscle (For example: Heart attack/ Myocardial infarction)cerebrovascular disease - disease of the blood vessels supplying the brain (For example: Stroke)

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a heart attack

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Heart attack

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