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Divide the company's effective tax rate by 100 to convert to a decimal. For example, if the company pays 29 percent in taxes, divide 29 by 100 to get 0.29.

Subtract the company's tax rate expressed as a decimal from 1. In this example, subtract 0.29 from 1 to get 0.71.

Divide the company's after-tax cost of debt by the result to calculate the company's before-tax cost of debt. In this example, if the company's after tax cost of debt equals $830,000, divide $830,000 by 0.71 to find a before-tax cost of debt of $1,169,014.08.

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Q: How do you calculate the pretax cost of debt?
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Company is leaveraged with 30% debt i.e. gearing will be 30% however only managed to form one constraint in the absence of further information. Net cost of debt = 0.07 * (1 - 0.31) = 4.83% Cost of equity = 16.5% WACC = 13% Let Ke be the equity mix and Kd the debt mix (assuming total is 1) So what mix of debt and equity should give us 13% i.e. 16.5Ke + 4.83Kd = 13 Also Ke > 0, Kd > 0 & Ke + Kd = 1 If you plug in 0.70 and 0.30 in above you will get 13

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The principal components taken into account to calculate the cost of capital are the following: The dollar cost of debt, the dollar cost of preferred stock, and the dollar cost of common stock.

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The word pretax can be used either with or without a hyphen.

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