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You multiply together their individual probabilities.

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Q: How do you calculate the probability for a group of several independent events?
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How do you do probability of independent events?

The answer depends on what you mean by "do". Does it mean calculate individually, calculate the probability of either one or the other (or both), calculate the probability of both, calculate some function of both (for example the sum of two dice being rolled)?

What is Probability of Flipping a coin five times in a row and having it land on heads?

The probability of getting a heads on the first flip is 1/2. Similarly, the probability on each subsequent flip is 1/2, since they are independent events. The probability of several independent events happening together is the product of their individual probabilities.

When looking at 2 possible events how do you calculate the probability?

are they dependent or independent? define success and failure for the 2 events. probability of success (EX: drawing a face card) = number of possible successes / total possible events. Multiply the two separate probabilities to get the probability that both occur.

What events are such that the occurrence of one does not change the probability of other events?

Independent events.

Can independent events exist in reality?

Yes. Independent events can exist in reality. Dependent events means that one event has had an effect on the other. For instance, if we look at the probability of someone going to the shops, and the probability of them buying an apple, the latter is clearly dependent on the former. Independent events are simply events that don't have this connection. The probability of one does not influence or predict the probability of the other. For instance, if I studied the probability of you going to see a film on a particular day, and the probability of someone in China getting a hole in one in golf, these are very clearly independent events.

Related questions

How do you do probability of independent events?

The answer depends on what you mean by "do". Does it mean calculate individually, calculate the probability of either one or the other (or both), calculate the probability of both, calculate some function of both (for example the sum of two dice being rolled)?

What is the difference between dependent and independent events in terms of probability?

What is the difference between dependant and independent events in terms of probability

What is Probability of Flipping a coin five times in a row and having it land on heads?

The probability of getting a heads on the first flip is 1/2. Similarly, the probability on each subsequent flip is 1/2, since they are independent events. The probability of several independent events happening together is the product of their individual probabilities.

If the probability of two events occurring together is 0 the events are called .?

Independent events with a probability of zero

Events that have no effect on each others probability?

Independent Events

Definition of the Product rule in genetics?

The product rule states that the probability of two independent events occurring together is equal to the product of their individual probabilities. In genetics, the product rule is used to calculate the probability of inheriting multiple independent traits or alleles simultaneously from different parents.

When looking at 2 possible events how do you calculate the probability?

are they dependent or independent? define success and failure for the 2 events. probability of success (EX: drawing a face card) = number of possible successes / total possible events. Multiply the two separate probabilities to get the probability that both occur.

What can be done with the principle of probability?

You can calculate the probability of the outcome of events.

What events are such that the occurrence of one does not change the probability of other events?

Independent events.

How do you find the probability of multiple events?

The answer depends on whether or not the events are independent.

Which is a pair of independent events?

Two events are independent if the outcome of one has no effect on the probability of the outcomes for the other.

Can independent events exist in reality?

Yes. Independent events can exist in reality. Dependent events means that one event has had an effect on the other. For instance, if we look at the probability of someone going to the shops, and the probability of them buying an apple, the latter is clearly dependent on the former. Independent events are simply events that don't have this connection. The probability of one does not influence or predict the probability of the other. For instance, if I studied the probability of you going to see a film on a particular day, and the probability of someone in China getting a hole in one in golf, these are very clearly independent events.