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This is the same as the circumference of the circle, C = 2*Pi*r

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Q: How do you calculate the travel of one full rotation in a circle?
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A complete rotation or circle contains how many degrees?

A full rotation is a 360 degree rotation. A full circle is 360 degrees.

What is a full rotation of a circle degrees?

It is: 360 degrees

What does a full circle equal in geometry?

A full rotation of a circle is equal to 360 degrees. Area of a circle is: pi times radius squared.

Is there any right angles in a full rotation?

In a circle no, in a square yes.

The angle that describes how far to turn a figure for a rotation?

a full circle=360 degrees

What is the leghtn of rotation?

The length of rotation typically refers to the distance traveled by a point on a rotating object as it completes one full rotation around its axis. It is calculated based on the circumference of the circle traced by the rotating point.

If a circle with a diameter of 4 inches rotates 1000 degrees what distance will any one spot on its edge actually travel?

Each full rotation of the circle equates to 360°. When the circle has rotated through 1000° it has rotated 1000/360 = 2.7778 times. Each rotation means that a spot on the perimeter travels a distance of 2πr = πD inches. A rotation of 1000° means the spot has travelled 2.7778 x 4π = 34.91 inches (2dp)

Does the earth take 24 hours to make a circle?

it takes a year to circle the sun and 24 hours to make a full 360 degree rotation.

How many arc minutes in a full circle?

There are 60 arcminutes in one degree. There are 360 degrees in a circle. Therefore, one full rotation is equal to 360 x 60 = 21600 arcminutes.

Why is a full rotation called 360 degrees?

a circle is made up of angular measure, commonly called degrees. Also may be radians or grads. But 360 degrees constitutes a full circle

How many 45 degrees are in a circle?

There are 360 degrees in a full rotation. Taken 45 at a time you can do it 8 times.

How do you find the area in a semi circle?

"Semi-circle" means half circle; so you just need to calculate the area of the corresponding full circle, and divide the result by 2.