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Q: How do you calculate the volume of steel ball?
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What method do I do used to determine the volume of a steel ball bearing?

You can determine the volume of a steel ball bearing by using the formula for the volume of a sphere, V = (4/3) * π * r^3, where r is the radius of the ball bearing. Measure the diameter of the ball bearing and divide it by 2 to calculate the radius, then plug it into the formula to find the volume.

How do you calculate steel ball weight?

To calculate the weight of a given amount of steel in the metric system you simply multiply the volume of steel in cubic meters times the SG of steel (typically 7.85 but it varies slightly depending on the type of steel). The answer will be in metric tonnes or MT.

How is the density of a steel ball different from a steel ship?

The steel ball has a higher density since its mass is concentrated in a smaller volume compared to the steel ship, which has a much larger volume with the same mass. This means the steel ball is heavier for its size, while the steel ship is lighter per unit volume.

How do you calculate the volume of a steel sheet plate?

the volume of a steel sheet plate is < length *breath *height >

How do you calculate steel weight without using steel table book?

To calculate the weight of steel without using a steel table book, you can use the formula: Weight = Volume x Density. First, calculate the volume of the steel by multiplying the length, width, and height. Then, multiply the volume by the density of the specific type of steel being used.

How do you calculate mass of a ball?

To calculate the mass of a ball, you would typically use the density of the material the ball is made of and its volume. The formula to calculate mass is mass = density x volume. You would need to know the density of the material and measure the volume of the ball to determine its mass.

How do you calculate weight of en-24 steel?

To calculate the weight of EN-24 steel, you need to know the volume of the steel and its density. The formula to calculate weight is Weight = Volume x Density. The density of EN-24 steel is around 7.85 grams per cubic centimeter.

How do you calculate the volume of the steel?

Same way you always calculate volume. The material makes no difference the shape is what's important.

Hoe to calculate the volume of steel?

Length X Width X Depth = volume

What is the density of a steel ball in kgm3 which has a diameter of 7.5mm and a mass of 1.675g?

The volume of a sphere is given by V = (4/3)πr^3, where r is the radius (half of the diameter). Calculate the radius (3.75mm) and convert it to meters (0.00375m). Convert the mass to kg (0.001675kg). Using the formula for density (ρ = m/V), where ρ is density, m is mass, and V is volume, you can calculate the density of the steel ball.

What is the factor for calculating the weight of a steel round?

To calculate the weight of a steel round, you can use the formula: weight = volume * density. The factor needed would be the density of steel, which is typically around 7850 kg/m³. By knowing the density and the volume of the steel round, you can easily calculate its weight.

How many iron atoms are present in a stainless steel ball bearing having a radius of 0.1 inch when the stainless steel contains 85.6 percent Fe by weight and has a density of 7.75g per cc?

To calculate the number of iron atoms present in the stainless steel ball bearing, you first need to determine the mass of the ball bearing. This can be done by calculating the volume of the ball bearing using the radius provided. Once you have the volume, you can calculate the mass using the density. Then, you can determine the mass of iron in the ball bearing using the percentage of iron by weight. Finally, convert the mass of iron to the number of iron atoms using Avogadro's number.