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The cylinder will support, at neutral buoyancy, as much weight as the weight of water it could contain, less the weight of the cylinder itself.

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Q: How do you calculate the weight that a closed cylinder will support when suspended in water?
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Is a drinking cup a cylinder?

Yes. If you google cylinder you will probably see a closed top, but even though drinking cups don't have a closed top they are still cylinders. Hope this helps!! :D

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What is the Formula for the Volume of a closed cylinder.?

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An open cylinder has zero volume. Its surface area is 4(pi)rL, wherein r is the radius of the cylinder and L is the length. A closed cylinder has a volume of L(pi)r^2. (That is, L times pi times r-squared.) Its surface area is 2(pi)rL + 2(pi)r^2.

What is closed frequent itemset in datamining?

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What is the solid of a cylinder?

People think about a cylinder as closed, and so the solids, or faces, that it has are on the bottom and top. Those two circles are the only faces in a cylinder. Examples: a soup can, some types of jars, candles (some).

How does a pneumatic cylinder work?

penumatic cylinder work by compressed air that a comressor compress air in a closed cylinder which ther is no way air to get out exept it bush piston which is instaled transition fit with cylinder and in return path we use spring or compressed air