Add the two numbers together first. As one is BC and the other is AD, then you need to takeaway one to allow for the fact that there was no year zero.
335 + 2014 = 2349
2349 - 1 = 2348
So the answer is 2348 years.
The interval between two occurences is TIME.
V = d / tVelocity is the change in distance over an interval of time.
The time between two events is the interval between them.
Time interval is the period of time between the start and end of an activity.
The interval between two occurences is TIME.
Time interval is the period of time between the start and end of an activity.
The average acceleration during the time interval from 0 to 10 seconds is the change in velocity divided by the time interval. If you provide the initial and final velocities during this time interval, we can calculate the average acceleration for you.
Acceleration = (change in speed) divided by (time interval)
V = d / tVelocity is the change in distance over an interval of time.
The time interval between high tides is typically around 12 hours and 25 minutes.
The time between two events is the interval between them.
An interval is the distance between two notes.Example: The interval between C and C-sharp is a half step.The interval between C and D is a whole step!Another Times T2 crossword answer to 14d... entre'acte
Turnaround time is the interval between the submission of a job and its completion. Response time is the interval between submission of a request, and the first response to that request.
The average velocity would be the total displacement over the total time interval. To calculate this, divide the total displacement by the total time to get the average velocity.
If you are taling about a fitness timer, it could be the time gap between two sets or the time for a set(interval).