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Q: How do you calculate your average speed for a 100 M?
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Carlos lives 100-m away from his friend's home What is the average speed if he reaches his friend's home?

To find the average speed, we need to know the time it took for Carlos to reach his friend's home. If he walked the 100 m in 2 minutes (120 seconds), his average speed would be 100 m / 120 s = 0.83 m/s.

How long do you take to complete the 100 m race . what is your average speed for the 100 m race . how many times is light faster than your running speed?

100 seconds. 1 m/s 3x108

What is the average speed of a 100 meters in 55 seconds?

Speed = distance/time So speed = 100/55 = 1.8181818182 Answer: 1.8182 m/s

How do you calculate speed?

Speed is measured in m/s (meters per second)You can calculate speed using the following formula :Speed = Distance/TimeExamples:distance=100 meters=20s s=d/ts=100m/20ss= 5m/sthe units for speed equal up to m/s units then your speed is 5 m/s

If your vehicle travels 21.6 m in 3 seconds calculate the speed of the vehicle.?

To calculate the speed of the vehicle, you take the distance traveled divided by the time taken. In this case, 21.6 m ÷ 3 s = 7.2 m/s. Therefore, the speed of the vehicle is 7.2 meters per second.

What is the average speed of a car if it travels 2km in 100s?

The average speed of the car is 20 m/s. This is calculated by dividing the distance travelled (2 km = 2000 m) by the time taken (100 s).

What is the average speed of a girl who takes 20 seconds to run 100 meters?

speed = distance/time = 100 m / 20 sec = 5 metres per second.

A distance-time graph indicates that an object moves 100 m in 4 s and then remains at rest for 6 s What is the average speed of the object?

For the time interval described, the total distance moved is 100 m, and the total time is 10 sec.The average speed over that interval is (distance)/(time) = 100/10 = 10 m/s

A jogger runs at an average speed of 5 m/s for 3 minutes, then finishes with an average speed of 4 m/s for 2 minutes What is his average speed in m/s for the run?


Calculate the average acceleration of a car that changes speed from 0 m/s to 15 m/s in 5s?

15m/s divided by 5s = 3m/s^2

If I travel 100 m N in 5 seconds what is my average velocity?

Your average velocity would be 20 m/s North (100 meters / 5 seconds = 20 m/s)

A sprinter runs the 100 m dash in 9.8 seconds. What is the sprinter's average speed?

~10.2 meters per second.