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Q: How do you calculate your grade on a 40 question test?
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How many questions can you miss to get an 85 percent on a 40 question test?

If you miss 6 questions you will get an 85% on a 40 question test. To calculate various test score questions, simply divide the number of correct answers by the number of total questions. For example, on your particular question, if you divide 34 (the number of correct answers) by 40 (the total number of test questions), the answer is .85, or 85%.

What if you miss 14 out of 40 questions what would your grade be?

If every question is worth the same credit, then 26 correct out of 40 is a score of 65 percent. The letter-grade is whatever the teacher decides 65% on that test is. I'm afraid there aren't many situations where 65% gets a passing grade.

What is the percent if 26 question were wrong out of 40 question on test?

40-26=14 questions answered correctly. 14/40=.35 Therefore the percentage of the test would be 35%

How many questions be wrong on a 40 question test to get 70 percent?

The question is, "What is 30% of 40?"is/of=%/100P/40=30/100100P=1200P=12You can miss 12 and get a 70% of the test.

What is the percent of 6 questions were wrong out of 40 questions on a test?

what is your grade percentage if you miss 6 questions out of 40

How do you find your percent after you get 100 percent on a test and the test is 60 percent of your grade?

[(100x60) + (Tx40)]/100=Average, where T is you average on the other 40% of your grade. Example: your grade average is 90 before the test. You get a 100 on the big test. [(100x60) + 90x40)]/100 = [6000 + 3600]/100 = 96

How do you determine a grade where theres 40 questions but missed 5?

Your score on the test is 87.5% . It's up to the teacherwhat letter-grade to award for that score.

What is a 65 percent out of a 100 percent grade?

According to my grade calculator it is a D. If there are a 100 possible and you got 65 than means you missed 40% of the test.

How many questions did you get wrong on a 40 question test if you received a grade of 73 percent?

At least 11. 30 questions right would be 75% and 29 would be 72.5%, which would round up to 73%.

What is the grade of a test that had 40 possible answers and you got 28 right?

28 out of 40 is 70%

If there were 40 questions on a test how many would one question be?

Each question would be worth 2.5%

What do you do if you get a 40 percent on your math test and your parents are mad?

You say sorry to your parents then try to get better grade in Math test next time. Study harder.