100 years is equal to one century.
A centenarian is a person who is 100 years old or more. Once they are 110 they are called supercentenarians.
A 100 years is a century
Century = 100 years; decade = 10 years.Century = 100 years; decade = 10 years.Century = 100 years; decade = 10 years.Century = 100 years; decade = 10 years.
100 years is a century
You can call anyone who has lived 100 years a Centenarian.
100 years is a "century."
One-hundred years is what we call a century.
A person who has lived for 100 years is called a centenarian.
A century.
100 years is equal to one century.
the same as you would call another human
cause it lasted for more than 100 years