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Q: How do you call the pictures of the surface based on data collected by satellites?
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What are pictures of earth surface that are based on data collected by satellites called?

They are called maps

Pictures of the surface based on data collected by landsat are called?

Satellite Images.

How far apart are the Communications satellites?

Based on 2 degree separation, at this distance above the surface, about 22,300 miles, they are about 920 miles apart

What is the meaning of platform in remote sensing?

In remote sensing, a platform refers to the vehicle or instrument used to collect data from above the Earth's surface. This can include satellites, aircraft, drones, or ground-based sensors. The choice of platform depends on the specific needs of the remote sensing application and the type of data being collected.

Computers tracks weather changes?

Yes, they do. All weather changes are collected by the satellites and passed down to the computer systems on earth who record and predict weather changes based on pre-defined algorithms.

Are satellite images based on data obtained by land sat satellites?

Yes, satellite images based on data obtained by land sat satellites.

Pictures on how waves are formed?

Unfortunately, I am unable to provide pictures as I am a text-based AI. However, waves are typically formed by the transfer of energy from the wind to the water's surface. Wind causes friction on the surface of the water, creating ripples that develop into waves as they move across the water.

Is NIMS based on the best practices collected from all levels of responders?

NIMS is based on best practices collected from all levels of responders.

How is coal-based energy collected and produced?

Coal-based energy is collected through mining coal from underground or surface mines. Once mined, the coal is transported to a power plant where it is burned to heat water and produce steam. The steam then drives turbine generators to create electricity.

The development of an experimental research plan should not include a?

conclusion based on data expected to be collected in the experiment

What advantage do weather satellites have over ground based weather stations?

They are not affected by conditions on the ground. Ground-based stations could be destroyed by severe weather (such as tornadoes or hurricanes). Satellites don't get affected by Earth's weather. Of course - satellites are at risk of meteor strike and solar radiation - but there's less chance of them being damaged.

What is Claude heath based on?

he is based on 3D pictures.