Well, honey, 16.5 is already a fraction. It's what we call a decimal fraction. But if you want to turn it into a common fraction, just move that decimal point two places to the right to get 165/10. And don't worry, math won't bite... usually.
165%= 165/100 = 33/20 in fraction
It is simply 165/1 as an improper fraction
It is simply 165/1 as an improper fraction
165% = 165/100 = 33/20
1.65 = 165/100 and 33/20. It further reduces to: 113/20
165 / 365 = 33 / 73 years (simplified)
0.165 written as a fraction is 165/1000
4.125 = 4125/1000 or 165/40 in fraction
16.5 in a fraction = 165/10 or 33/2
82.5 = 165/2