Change percent to a decimal and multiply 16 by it. In this case, 1.25 x 16 = 20.
25% increase.
60% increase.
320% = 320/100 = 16/5
take the percent and multiply by .01 so 16% is 0.16
The increase from 14 to 16 is about 14.286%
Change percent to a decimal and multiply 16 by it. In this case, 1.25 x 16 = 20.
6.25% decrease
25% increase.
60% increase.
24/16 = 3/2 = 1.5 1.5 times 100 (To change it to percent) = 150% 24 is 150% of 16.
16/17.06 = 0.937866... = (1 - 0.062134) = 6.21%smaller (rounded)
75% decrease.