First change 52% into decimal form (.52). By definition, .52 = 52/100. Simplify the fraction as much as possible. 13/25 is the final simplified fraction (other forms are 52/100 and 26/50)
To change to a decimal divide by 100 or move the decimal point 2 spaces to the left. To change to a fraction put the number over 100. Ex: 52%=0.52 52%=52/100=13/25
52% = 13/25.
52% = 0.52 = 13/25 as a fraction in its lowest terms
52/100 = 26/50 = 13/25
22% of 52 is 11.44:11.44 as a fraction = 286⁄25 or 11 11⁄25
52% = 13⁄25
To change to a decimal divide by 100 or move the decimal point 2 spaces to the left. To change to a fraction put the number over 100. Ex: 52%=0.52 52%=52/100=13/25
52% = 13/25.
52 percent as a fraction 52/100 in it's simplest form 13/25
52% as a fraction is 13/25 in its lowest terms. This is because 52% is equal to 0.52
52% = 0.52 = 13/25 as a fraction in its lowest terms
52% as a fraction is 13/25 in its lowest terms. This is because 52% is equal to 0.52 which as a fraction is 52/100 which reduces to 13/25.
52% = 13⁄25
52% = 52/100 = 13/25
52/100 = 26/50 = 13/25
52/400 = 13/100 = 13%
To change a percent into a fraction, divide the percent number by 100, and if you can, simplfy the fraction.