By dividing the denominator into the numerator
123.456 is changed into fraction by multiplying and dividing it by a number such that both denominator and numerator don't contain decimal. Multiplying and dividing by 100, we get 123.456 as 123456/100.
any decimal that terminates can be changed into a fraction by dividing the digits to the right of the decimal by 1 followed by the same number of 0s.For example, 2.12345 has 5 digits after the decimal. So, you can change it to a proper fraction by dividing 12345/100000 and then adding the 2, or123452 ---------100000That number can then be simplified to24692 ---------20000by dividing both the top (numerator) and bottom (denominator) by 5.
by dividing the numerator by the denominator
you divide 2 . 1 ------------------ 17 / 2.0 - 17 ---- 3 and continue dividing
you can change a fraction to a decimal by dividing the bottom number into the top number.
By dividing the denominator into the numerator
change the fraction in to a decimal by dividing the numerator by the denominator . Then multiply by 100 (same as moving the decimal point left 2 places).
123.456 is changed into fraction by multiplying and dividing it by a number such that both denominator and numerator don't contain decimal. Multiplying and dividing by 100, we get 123.456 as 123456/100.
any decimal that terminates can be changed into a fraction by dividing the digits to the right of the decimal by 1 followed by the same number of 0s.For example, 2.12345 has 5 digits after the decimal. So, you can change it to a proper fraction by dividing 12345/100000 and then adding the 2, or123452 ---------100000That number can then be simplified to24692 ---------20000by dividing both the top (numerator) and bottom (denominator) by 5.
by dividing the numerator by the denominator
if you r using division to write a fraction as a decimal how do u know when to stop dividing
You turn a fraction into a decimal by dividing the top number by the bottom. And you turn a decimal into a percent by multiplying the decimal by 100.
you divide 2 . 1 ------------------ 17 / 2.0 - 17 ---- 3 and continue dividing
Any fraction is a rational number and by dividing its denominator into its numerator will produce a decimal number as for example 3/4 = 0.75
The whole number will stay the same. Convert the proper fraction part of the mixed number to a decimal by dividing the denominator into the numerator. 2 and 3/8 = 2.375
To change the decimal 0.025 into a fraction, we first count the number of decimal places, which is 3. Then, we write the decimal as the number over its place value, which is 25 over 1000. Finally, we simplify the fraction by dividing both the numerator and denominator by 25 to get 1/40.