Eighty two percent can be simplified to 41/50 as a fraction.
Eighty five percent is 17/20 as a fraction.
It is 0.86
Expressed as a decimal fraction, 86/10 is equal to 8.6.
83.3% = 833⁄1000
Eighty two percent can be simplified to 41/50 as a fraction.
Eighty five percent is 17/20 as a fraction.
eighty one hundredths = 0.81 in decimals
It is 0.86
2.089 into fraction: deal with fraction first = 0.089 / 1, multiply top and bottom * 1000 to drop the decimal point = 89 / 1000 which is simplest fraction, so add 2 to get : two and eighty nine one thousandths
To express eighty six hundreds as a decimal, you first need to understand that "hundreds" refers to the number 100. So, eighty six hundreds is equivalent to 86 * 100, which equals 8600. Therefore, as a decimal, eighty six hundreds is written as 8600.
Expressed as a decimal fraction, 86/10 is equal to 8.6.
80 = 80/1 = 800/10 = 8000/100 = 8000%80 = 80.080 = 80/1
83 over 100.