You change fractions to percentages by dividing the larger number (denominator) into the smaller number (numerator). One divided by five gives .2, or 20 per cent.
No, 19.84 percent is not one fifth of the world's population. One fifth of the world's population would be approximately 20%, not 19.84%.
20 %
713I took 3565 an multiplied it by one fifth. One fifth is equal to .2 or 20 percent.
8 percent. 20% is one fifth (20/100 = 1/5), and one fifth of 40 is 8, so the answer is 8%.
0.25 %
It is: 1/5 = 20%
One fifth of 100 percent = 20 percent .20 X 80 = 16
1/5 = 0.2%