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If the exponent is b, then you move the decimal point b places to the right - inserting zeros if necessary.

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Q: How do you change scientific notation in positive exponent to standard form?
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What is the difference between a number in scientific notation and one in standard form?

there is just an easier way of writing a large number in scientific notation by placing times 10 then a negative or positive exponent compared to a large number

What is the answer for 3.4 multiplied by 10 exponent 1?

The problem you have shown is in scientific notation, in standard notation, you're looking at 34.

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7.1x10 exponent 5 in standard notation is 710,000

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59456.7x10 with an exponent of -1 in standard notation is 5,945.67

How do you put things out of scientific notation?

If the exponent is positive, move the decimal to the right the same number of spaces as the number of the exponent. If the exponent is negative, move the decimal to the left the same number of spaces as the number of the exponent.Examples:2.5 x 103 is 2500 in standard notation. (Move the decimal to the right 3 spaces.)4.9 x 10-5 is 0.000049 in standard notation. (Move the decimal to the left 5 spaces.)

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Are numbers expressed in scientific notation using exponents?

Yes, but only to the power of 10. Scientific notation Ex: 4.6 x 10^6 (NOTE: ^ = exponent) The number in the 4.6 position has to be equal to or greater than 1 and less than 10. The number in the 10 position always has to be a 10. The number in the ^6 position tells how many places to move the decimal. If the exponent is positive the decimal moves to the right when you simplify into standard notation. If it is negative the decimal moves to the left when simplified into standard notation.

How do you change powers in scientific notation?

To change a number from standard to scientific notation, move the decimal point to create a number between 1 and 10. Count the number of places you moved the decimal point to get the power of 10. If you moved it to the left, the exponent is positive, and if you moved it to the right, the exponent is negative.

What is 0.005219 in standard scientific notation?

Move 3 decimal places to the right from the starting point, and you should get -3 as the exponent for base 10. Therefore, the term in scientific notation is: 5.219 x 10-3

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What is the exponent for 262144?

262144 is standard notation for 8⁶, where 8 is the base and 6 is the exponent

What are the rules in changing scientific notation to standard notation and standard notation to scientific notation?

To convert a number to scientific notation, move the decimal point right or left to make the number greater than or equal to one but less than ten, and record the number of positions moved as a power of 10 - the exponent. That is, if the decimal point moves to the left by n positions, then the exponent is 10n. If the decimal point moved to the right by npositions, the exponent is 10-n (note the minus symbol).For instance, the number 123,456,000,000 is larger than 10, so we move the decimal point 11 positions to the left to get 1.23456, which is greater than or equal to one, but less than ten. Since we moved the decimal point to the left by 11 positions, the exponent is 1011 (ten raised to the eleventh power, which is 100,000,000,000) so the scientific notation for 123,456,000,000 becomes 1.23456x1011.If the original number were 0.000000123456, we need to move the decimal point to the right by seven positions to get 1.23456 (greater than or equal to one but less than ten). The exponent is therefore 10-7, thus the scientific notation for 0.000000123456 is 1.23456x10-7.To convert from scientific notation to standard notation, we simply reverse the process. If the exponent is a positive power of 10, we multiply by the exponent. Thus 1.23456x1011 is 1.23456 x 100,000,000,000 which is 123,456,000,00. If the exponent is a negative power of 10, we divide by the exponent. Thus 1.23456x10-7 is 1.23456 / 10,000,000 which is 0.000000123456.Note that scientific notation is only useful when you are not interested in the least significant portion of a number. For instance, a value such as 123,456,789,123,456,789,123,456,789 is better notated in full if you want the highest degree of accuracy. Scientific notation is generally only used to make the notation of an extremely large (or extremely small) number more concise. So 123,456,789,123,456,789,123,456,789 might be reduced to a more concise form such as 1.23456789x1026. This then equates to 123,456,790,000,000,000,000,000,000 in standard notation, which is clearly not the same value we started out with. In other words, the degree of accuracy is determined by the number of decimal places you retain in the scientific notation.