Divide 12 by 5 to change the fraction 12 over 5 to decimal form. 12/5 = 2.4.
4.1 in fraction form is 41/100. First, move the decimal spot one over to the right. Then, place the number over 100. You then have a fraction of the decimal.
0.9 as a decimal and 9 over 10 as a fraction.
Expressed as a decimal fraction, 563/1000 is equal to 0.563.
-5 is not a decimal. You could change it to a decimal by putting it over 1 like this -5/1, but I think you made a mistake when posting this question.
put decimal over 100
4.1 in fraction form is 41/100. First, move the decimal spot one over to the right. Then, place the number over 100. You then have a fraction of the decimal.
Do the division. 8 divided by 3 = 2.6666 recurring.
0.9 as a decimal and 9 over 10 as a fraction.
change it to a decimal. then change it to a fraction. and then reduce it
2.45 as a decimal is 2.45/100 or 2.45 over 100
Expressed as a decimal fraction, 563/1000 is equal to 0.563.
1/5 is a fraction and in decimal form it is 0.2
3 over 5 in its simplest form * * * * * True, but that is not a decimal! As a decimal fraction, it is 0.6
-5 is not a decimal. You could change it to a decimal by putting it over 1 like this -5/1, but I think you made a mistake when posting this question.
0.79 is a fraction. It is a fraction in decimal form rather than in the form of a ratio. However, that does not stop it being a fraction. And, since it is a decimal fraction, there is not another simpler decimal form. Its equivalent, in rational form, is 79/100 which cannot be simplified.