Method #1:
Bring the ends together. Use ohm-meter to measure resistance between the ends.
Compare with manufacturer's specification for the cable's resistance per 100-ft
or 100-m.
Method #2: Only possible if the cable has more than 1 conductor.
At one end of the cable, connect two conductors together. At the other end, use an
ohm-meter to measure the resistance between the same two conductors. If the meter
shows open-circuit, then at least one of those conductors is broken in the cable.
64 amps in less than 100 meter long
the answer is 3
pm is short for pico-meter, or 10-12 meter. That's a trillionth of a meter (using the short scale), or a billionth of a meter on the long is short for pico-meter, or 10-12 meter. That's a trillionth of a meter (using the short scale), or a billionth of a meter on the long is short for pico-meter, or 10-12 meter. That's a trillionth of a meter (using the short scale), or a billionth of a meter on the long is short for pico-meter, or 10-12 meter. That's a trillionth of a meter (using the short scale), or a billionth of a meter on the long scale.
That doesn't make sense. Square meter is 2D. Cubic meter is 3D. To attempt to answer your question... A square meter is one meter long and one meter wide. A cubic meter is one meter long, one meter wide, and one meter tall.
a meter stick
1 meter = 10 decimetersSo, 30 meters = 30*10 = 300 decimeters
64 amps in less than 100 meter long
Cable t.v in Long Beach can run many different prices depending on the packet you get. Check with your local cable dealer to find out about prices and packaging.
If a cable is 9.3 m long how long is the cable in decimeters
Check for voltage between battery and starter. You need approx. 13and a half volts to start a car. Battery cable should be carrying 12 at least. Check Negative cable for continuity. If this all checks out and engine jerks when starting make sure timing belt hasn't stretched or that fuel pump pressure is adequate. Long distance diagnosis is difficult without hearing the problem
A meter stick is 1 meter long.
Easy: make sure both ends of the cable are completely disconnected. Go to one end of the cable, twist 2 cores together for instance brown and blue. Now go to the other end of you cable and test the continuity between the brown and the blue cables. This will verify both of these cables are continuous.Now untwist the cables, and twist another pair together, say brown and green/yellow. Test again between these cable and you're done.If you are fault finding, you can use this to figure out which cable is broken.Say you get no continuity between brown and blue.Set the test up again, test brown to green/yellow and you get nothing again.Set the test up again, test blue to green/yellow... assuming you get a continuous signal here you can assume you have a problem with your brown wire.
Never probe airbag wiring with a power probe or multi-meter unless you have isolated the circuit by disconnecting both the airbag module and airbag component. As long as you have disconnected these you will be fine.
The cable is a 10ft cable.
The 'a' in cable is a long vowel.
Cable has a long "a" and a schwa sound.