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There are two main methods: theoretical and empirical.

Theoretical: Is the random variable the sum (or mean) of a large number of imdependent, identically distributed variables? If so, by the Central Limit Theorem the variable in question is approximately normally distributed.

Empirical: there are various goodness-of-fit tests. Two of the better known are the chi-square and the Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests. There are others. These compare the observed values with what might be expected if the distribution were Normal. The greater the discrepancy, the less likely it is that the distribution is Normal, the smaller the discrepancy the more likely that the distribution is Normal.

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Check the lecture on t distributions at StatLect. It is explained there.

What is the difference between a normal distribution and the standard normal distribution?

The standard normal distribution is a normal distribution with mean 0 and variance 1.

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The standard normal distribution is a special case of the normal distribution. The standard normal has mean 0 and variance 1.

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le standard normal distribution is a normal distribution who has mean 0 and variance 1

When can you say the distribution is considered normal?

When its probability distribution the standard normal distribution.

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No, the normal distribution is strictly unimodal.

Normal distributing is essy to calculate then other distribution?

We prefer mostly normal distribution, because most of the data around us follows normal distribution example height, weight etc. will follow normal. We can check it by plotting the graph then we can see the bell curve on the histogram. The most importantly by CLT(central limit theorem) and law of large numbers, we can say that as n is large the data follows normal distribution.

Is the normal distribution infinite?

The domain of the normal distribution is infinite.

Is normal distribution also a probability distribution?

Yes. When we refer to the normal distribution, we are referring to a probability distribution. When we specify the equation of a continuous distribution, such as the normal distribution, we refer to the equation as a probability density function.

How does standard normal distribution differ from normal distribution?

The standard normal distribution has a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1.

What is symmetrical normal distribution?

The Normal distribution is, by definition, symmetric. There is no other kind of Normal distribution, so the adjective is not used.

Which normal distribution is also the standard normal curve?

The normal distribution would be a standard normal distribution if it had a mean of 0 and standard deviation of 1.