go to recent call then go to cal duration on your cell phone if that doesnt work then you can probley call your cell phone company
clocks are use to check time and so as watches <> A clock , or chronometer , measures the passage of time in hours , minutes and seconds .
one way to look at itthere are 60 seconds in 1 minute.1 minute = 60 seconds2 minutes = 120 seconds3 minutes = 180 seconds4 minutes = 240 secondsso 221 seconds is between 180 seconds and 240 seconds so 221 seconds is equal or greater to 3 minutes and less than 4 minutesso therefore the answer is 3 minutes plus some secondsif you take 180 from 221 = 41 seconds then the total time is 3 minutes and 41 seconds.answer: 3 minutes and 41 secondsto check 3 minutes is 180 seconds.. then add 41 to 180 = 221
35 minutes = 1.9 miles 1 minute = 1.9 / 35 miles = 0.0542857 60 minutes = 1 hour = 0.0542857 x 60 = 3.257142 Answer: 3.26 miles per hour Check: 1.9 x 60 / 35 = 3.26 approx
150 minutes.150 minutes.150 minutes.150 minutes.150 minutes.150 minutes.150 minutes.150 minutes.150 minutes.150 minutes.150 minutes.
165 minutes is exactly 165 minutes.165 minutes is exactly 165 minutes.165 minutes is exactly 165 minutes.165 minutes is exactly 165 minutes.
For contract minutes it's *111*1*2#
Check for signs of life about every 2 minutes.
Check for signs of life about every 2 minutes.
Check the oil after the engine has not been run for at least 30 minutes.
Check every 2 minutes.
Go on to Planet3 on your mobile, then go to My3, then check my usage.
Check every 2 minutes.
Check for signs of life every 2 minutes.
Check about every 2 minutes.
text AL to 150
You can check your remaining minutes by dialling 5888 on your handset.