A fraction has the numerator on 'top' and the denominator on the 'bottom'. If the two fractions have the same denominator (eg: 1/4 and 3/4) then you can simply compare the numerators, and the larger fraction has the larger denominator (in the above example, 3 is bigger than 1 so 3/4 is bigger than 1/4.)
If the Denominators are different then you must find the common denominator. Do this by 'adjusting' (multiplying numerator and denominator by the same number) either one or both fractions, then comparing the numerators.
eg: 2/3 and 1/2. The denominators are different, and the common denominator would be 6 (2x3). (This is not always the smallest though, like the lowest common denominator for 1/4 and 1/6 is 12, not 24.)
Once you have the lowest common denominator, adjust the fractions: 2/3 becomes 4/6 (as you had to multiply 3 by 2 to get 6, multiply the numerator by 2). 1/2 becomes 3/6 (again, multiply numerator by the same number as the denominator).
Compare the fractions: we have 3/6 and 4/6. 4/6 is bigger, which is the same as 2/3, therefore 2/3 is bigger than 1/2.
Any fraction, x/y can be converted to an equivalent fraction if you multiply x and y by ant non-zero number z. x/y = xz/yz.
For an ant farm, I would suggest a kilogram. For an individual ant, a milligram.
Well, honey, that ant needs to put on its hiking boots and climb its way up that tree trunk like it's training for the Ant Olympics. No shortcuts here, just good old-fashioned ant hustle and determination. So, tell that ant to channel its inner rock climber and get to steppin'!
Impossible to put a specific figure on this... A Queen ant lays literally thousands of eggs per day.
The largest kind of ant is the driver ant, which can grow up to 1.6 inches in length. These ants are known for their aggressive behavior and large colony sizes, with millions of individual ants in a single colony.
The largest ant in the colony is usually the Queen.
An Ant with wings :)
The male siafu ant. Males grow to 2.5 centimeters long. The females are much larger.
The Velvet Ant is a wasp not an ant. Females are wingless and covered with hair and strongly resemble ants. The red velvet ant is the largest velvet ant species at 3/4 of an inch long.
The largest ant in the world is the driver ant, also known as the "Dorylus" or "Siafu" ant. They can grow up to 2 inches in length and are known for their large colonies and aggressive behavior. They are found in Africa and are capable of hunting down prey much larger than themselves.
The largest ones of the largest species, the queens are about 2" or the size of your thumb.
Atom < Virus < Ant In this list, atoms are the smallest particles, followed by viruses, and then ants, which are multicellular organisms.
The largest ant to ever live is the Titanomyrma giganteum, which existed during the Eocene epoch. These ants could reach lengths of around 5-6 centimeters (2-2.4 inches) and are known for their impressive size compared to modern ants.
all over the worldIn Your Garden,Around GrassAnd also, it can be found when you left a white raddish on the ground. (A rotten one) And for a few seconds, ants will appear! They are easy to catch.