cause it is way more simple and it takes way less time
Compare 468,119 and 468,191 us wing or =
No. To calculate density you divide mass by volume (d = m/V) If you double the size of something (volume), then you are doubling the amount of it (mass). The whole reason for using density to compare things is because it is a property of the substance that does not change, regardless of quantity.
A beaker is used to measure volume using water displacement.
mass= density*volume
To identify an unknown object using density, you can measure its mass and volume. Then, calculate the density by dividing the mass by the volume. Compare the calculated density to known densities of different materials to determine the identity of the object.
If you take the base measurements multiplied by the width measurements multiplied by the height measurement you get"volume"
cause it is way more simple and it takes way less time
To calculate the inaccuracy of a pipette, you would compare the actual volume dispensed by the pipette with the desired volume. This can be done by using a calibrated scale and measuring the difference between the intended volume and the dispensed volume. The inaccuracy can be expressed as a percentage of the intended volume.
To identify an object using density, you would need to measure its mass using a balance and its volume using displacement or geometric methods. Then, calculate the density of the object by dividing the mass by the volume. Compare the calculated density to known densities of materials to determine the identity of the object.
Yes, density is calculated by dividing the mass of an object by its volume. This relationship is expressed using the formula: density = mass / volume. Density is a measure of how much mass is contained in a given volume of a substance.
Galileo found the density of an object by dividing its mass by its volume. This relationship can be expressed using the formula: Density = Mass/Volume. Galileo's experiments and observations helped him understand this principle.
Density is calculated by dividing the mass of a substance by its volume. The equation for density is: Density = Mass / Volume. This formula allows you to determine how tightly packed the particles in a substance are based on its mass and volume measurements.
The properties of sugar and water alone is a liquid and a solid. The properties of sugar-water solution is a liquid.
To determine the mass of a particular volume of a substance using density, you would multiply the density of the substance by the volume of the sample. The resulting value would give you the mass of the substance based on the known density and volume relationship (mass = density x volume).
how is possible to observe and compare muscle tissue by using a microscope
By using a comparing sheet and compare and contrasting each charatistic of what you are trying to compare