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Outer Measure is always greater than or equal to the inner measure. If the set is Lebesgue measurable, then they are equal.

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Q: How do you compare the inner and outer measures in lebesgue measure?
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Why you define lebesgue outer measure?

Roughly speaking, the outer measure contains all the subset of the given set so it measures everything inside. Ps. If the outer measure is equal to inner measure then it is called "Lebesgue measure"

Compare the atmospheres of the four inner planets?

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To compare ratios, compare the products of the outer terms by the inner terms.

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Compare and contrast the inner planets including Pluto?

Too badd (:

How do the sizes of the inner planets compare to the sizes of the gas giant planets?

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How does the temp of the inner planets compare to the temp of the outer planet?

The inner planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars) are generally warmer compared to the outer planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune) due to their closer proximity to the sun. The outer planets are much colder because they receive less heat and light from the sun.

How do the distances between inner planets compare to the distances between the outer planets?

The distances between the inner planets is smaller than the distances between the outer planets.

How is rainfall measured if it exceeds two inches?

When a heavy rainstorm results in water greater than 2 inches, the water flows over the top of the inner container and into the overflow can, which is 4 inches taller than the inner container. The observer measures and records the amount of rain in the inner container and empties the inner container. Then, the observer carefully pours the water from the overflow can into the inner container, measures it and records it. The observer adds the two recorded totals together to obtain a final amount of rainfall.

Compare and contrast the outer planets of the solar system with the inner planets?

Outer: big, cold, gas giants (and lots of satellites) Inner: small, rocky, warn (to hot).