You compare the integer parts first.
Both decimal numbers are equivalent
Since the integer parts are the same, compare the decimals one at a time until you find corresponding decimals that are different. That is, compare the first digit after the decimal point; if those are equal, compare the second digit after the decimal point, etc.
If you don't know their equivalence, then you can either get a common denominator, and compare the numerators. Or you can divide and convert them all to decimal form and then compare.
When you multiply decimals, you just ignore the decimal until the end, then, to find the amount of decimal places in your answer, you add the amount of decimal places in both your factors
First you convert the decimal into a mixed-number/fraction. Then you have to find the common denominator and compare.
Convert the mixed number to a decimal.
You compare the integer parts first.
.6 is bigger
The answer depends on what you are trying to compare it with!
In general, to compare decimal numbers, first compare the whole part. If those are the same, compare the first digit after the decimal point. If those are equal, the second digit, etc., until you find a digit that is different.
Compare the integer part. If that is equal, compare the first decimal. If the first decimal digits are equal, compare the second decimal digit, etc. Actually, in this case, negative numbers are less than positive numbers, so that is the first thing you should check.
12.782 has three decimal places while 12.78 has two decimal places only.
If you are trying to compare a given decimal to a given fraction, you can divide the fraction out and compare the result to the given decimal. For example, 1/2 = 1 divided by 2. = 0.5 3/4 = 3 divided by 4. = 0.75
Yes, you can.
Both decimal numbers are equivalent