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play it alot

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Q: How do you complete equal time on first in math?
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How do you get the most points in first in math?

I complete all the skill sets i can and do equal time and equal pay.

What is the game in first in math that you have to complete equal time?

You have to play Equal Time alot of times, you will start to see the time get harder the more you play it.

How do you get lots of stickers on first in math?

go to measurement world and do equal time. hope it helped

How do you get thousands of points on first in math?

first, you have to try to complete as many skill sets as you can. then, you can go to the facts practice gym. third, you can go to just the facts, and complete it. fourth, you can go to know and shows and complete them. finally, you go to the bonus games, after you go to the skill sets and complete lots of games. if you want some extra extra points, then you go to the wheels games. go to fraction wheels, and ten wheel, and all that stuff. or, you can go to equal pay/ equal time/ equal weight, and you know what i mean. ur welcom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When was math first created?

math was created when time began

Why was the math teacher mad at you?

The math teacher was mad at me because I didn't complete my homework on time and disrupted the class by talking when I wasn't supposed to.

Where to find skip game on first in math?

The skip game is located under the bonus games in "Bonus 3". Each time you complete a skip game you receive four stickers. In the entire game (if you complete it) you will have earned 320 stickers.

How do you get fast first in math stickers?

ou can play the gym it is easy you get lots of stickers. and fast. i mean it is pretty awsome.. also try equal time that is fun and quick .

What math classes are required for law school?

You must complete any high school required Math. This math will help you solve complex cases that have to do with time and that may require you to multiple, divide and even use equations

What is a mathmatical sentence?

A mathematical sentence is a math problem without an equal sign, broken down on step at a time.

What was the need for the computer?

The need of the computer was to help people look up stuff They first were used for math. . Over time they accomplished multiple tasks.

What is the first unit of math steps level 3?

Place Value, Money, and Time