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(125*25 + 50*40)/(125 + 50) = 5125/175 = 29.3 (approx).

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Q: How do you compute a weighted average percentage Example I sold 125 items A with a food cost of 25 and I sold 50 items B with a foos cost of 40 What is my weighted food cost?
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You do not compute discrete variables. Some variables are discrete others are not. Simple as that. You do not compute people - you can compute their average height, or mass, or shoe size, etc. But that is computing those characteristics, you are not computing people. In the same way, you can compute the mean, variance, standard error, skewness, kurtosis of discrete variables, or the probability of outcomes, but none of that is computing the discrete variable.You do not compute discrete variables. Some variables are discrete others are not. Simple as that. You do not compute people - you can compute their average height, or mass, or shoe size, etc. But that is computing those characteristics, you are not computing people. In the same way, you can compute the mean, variance, standard error, skewness, kurtosis of discrete variables, or the probability of outcomes, but none of that is computing the discrete variable.You do not compute discrete variables. Some variables are discrete others are not. Simple as that. You do not compute people - you can compute their average height, or mass, or shoe size, etc. But that is computing those characteristics, you are not computing people. In the same way, you can compute the mean, variance, standard error, skewness, kurtosis of discrete variables, or the probability of outcomes, but none of that is computing the discrete variable.You do not compute discrete variables. Some variables are discrete others are not. Simple as that. You do not compute people - you can compute their average height, or mass, or shoe size, etc. But that is computing those characteristics, you are not computing people. In the same way, you can compute the mean, variance, standard error, skewness, kurtosis of discrete variables, or the probability of outcomes, but none of that is computing the discrete variable.