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Q: How do you confirm minutes correct?
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Related questions

How do you spell confirm?

The correct spelling is "confirm" (affirm, certify).

How do you spell aknowlegde?

The correct spelling is acknowledge (confirm or admit).

Is it correct to say here is the minutes?

No, that is not correct. The correct phrase is "Here are the minutes." "Minutes" is a plural noun, so it should be paired with "are" instead of "is."

What are the correct 5 c's?

Confirm, Clear, Call, Check, Control

How do you Acknowledge?

That is the correct spelling of the word "acknowledge" (admit, confirm, reply).

Is was able to confirmed correct grammar?

No, "Is was able to confirmed" is not correct grammar. The correct phrase would be "It was able to be confirmed."

What does confirm?

It means to approve, to give proof that something is correct.

How do you spell acknowledging?

That is the correct spelling of the word "acknowledge" (admit, confirm, reply).

What is the correct sentence I confirm John and myself as participants or I confirm John and me as participants?

"I confirm John and myself as participants" is correct. "Myself" is one of the "reflexive" pronouns, which should be used whenever an element of the predicate of a sentence represents the same person as an element of the subject of the same sentence. The easiest way to remember is: If you say the sentence again, but leave out "John", you would then say "I confirm myself as a participant." You wouldn't say "I confirm me as a participant."

Is this the correct grammar and punctuation?

I would need to see the specific sentence or phrase to confirm if the grammar and punctuation are correct. Can you provide it for me to review?

Why do Pediatricians usually test newborn reflexes?

To confirm correct formation of their nervous system.

How can a cashier help you?

They can confirm the price of items; charge you correctly; give you the correct change.