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Q: How do you connect 3 rows of 3 dot's only using 4 straight lines?
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Related questions

How do you connect 16 dots using 6 lines?

It all depends on the arrangement of the dots. Besides, there is nothing about straight lines, so used curved lines instead

How do you connect 12 dots using 5 straight lines and ending where you started?

distribute the 12 dots around the perimeter of a pentagon

How do you connect 25 dots using 8 lines?

Just connect the dots.

How do you connect 16 dots to 6 straight lines?

That would depend on the position of the dots.

How do you connect 6 dots?

It depends entirely on the layout of the dots and whether the lines need to be straight.

Can you connect nine dots with four straight lines?

put all nine dots in a straight line, then any positive number of lines will be sufficient.

How can you connect 12 dots with 5 lines?

It all depends on the arrangement of the dots. Besides, there is nothing about straight lines, so used curved lines instead

How can you connect 25 dots with 8 lines?

It depends on where the dots are located. If they are all collinear only one straight line is required. For a 5x5 grid, only 5 lines are required.

What do you call a drawing with lines and dots?

Connect the Dots

How do you connect 9 dots with 3 straight lines and not lifting your pencil?

You need to extend the lines far beyond the box of dots. Your answer should look like a really tall and skinny N.

How do you connect 12 dots with 5 straight lines and end where you begin?

Draw a line from one dot in the center to the other four dots. Or, draw a straight line. Place dots at either end of the line, and place dots in the center of the line.

How do you connect five dots with9 dots?

Dots cannot be connected with dots. It takes lines.