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You'll also need a protractor to construct a 220 degree angle which can then be bisected by means of a compass and a straight line to form two 110 degree angles.

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Q: How do you construct a 110-degree angle with the help of a compass?
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Is it possible to construct angle 45 With the help of a ruler and a compass?

Yes. First draw a perpendicular (90 degrees) and then bisect the angle.

How do you make 82 degree angle with compass?

By bisecting an angle of 164 degrees or use the compass with the help of a protractor.

How can a compass help in math?

A compass can be used to calculate distance by angle and to help draw circles as well as finding the radius, diameter, and circumference of the circle.

Can you measure an angle with a compass?

Not sure if this will help, but you may try:

How are angle measurements used in real life?

They could help construct buildings is the only one i could think of

How do you draw an angle of 55 degree with compass and pencil?

you will have to construct a 135 degree angle first...but constructing a 90 degree with a 45 degree to give u the 135 degree angle and then using that as a reference, u will have to draw a 60 degree angle going counter clockwise from the 135 degree angle so that 135-60=55 degree...hahah I know it is confusing but if only i could show i mean visual is better than oral right !??! haha ^D^... hope i can help....

How do you draw a 105 degrees angle?

Draw a line segment AB. Put your compass point at B and stretch the compass out until it is at point A. Now draw a circle. Now move the compass point to B, leaving the compass opening the same as before and draw another circle. The circles will intersect in two points. Call them C and D. Draw CD and name its intersection with AB as the point E. angle CEB is a right angle. Now you need to bisect the 90 degree angle you just constructed to get two 45 degree angles. Look in your book as to how to bisect an angle. The angle CAB = 60 degrees. So bisect it to get a 30 degree angle and then bisect it to get a 15 degree angle. You can get a 105 degree angle by adding the 90 degree angle and the 15 degree angle. Similarly, you can get a 75 degree angle by subtracting the 15 degree angle from 90 degrees. Look in your book on how to copy an angle.

What is an angle bisector and how do you make one?

The angle bisector is a ray or line segment that bisects the angle, creating two congruent angles. To construct an angle bisector you need a compass and straightedge. Bisectors are very important in identifying corresponding parts of similar triangles and in solving proofs. Here's a helpful website recommended by my daughter's math teacher. It has a bunch of math video lessons with concept explanations and sample problems. The best part is, it is free. Hope this will help you too.

How does a compass help a hiker when hiking in the woods?

Compass help hikers by showing the way where they have to go. Some compass shows the weather that is coming. It helps the hikers to get alert when the weather is going nasty. compass also help the hikers not to get lost.A real useful thing for them.

What part of a map will tell you about direction?

idk i belive the compass

How has the compass changed the world?

compass help people to tell them which way you are going on trip's.

How did the compass help the European explorers?

The compass helped the explorers in navigating across the oceans.