To convert a fraction (or number) to a percentage multiply by 100 % → 35 = 35 × 100 % = 3500 %
0.35 = 35/100 = 7/20
Percent is over one hundred. 7/20 = 35/100 = 35%
Since these numbers have no common factors, the fraction can't be simplified. Of course, you can convert it to decimal (divide 35 / 24), or expand the fraction (multiply numerator and denominator by some number).
35 as a fraction = 35/1
It is: 8.75 = 35/4 as an improper fraction
To convert a fraction (or number) to a percentage multiply by 100 % → 35 = 35 × 100 % = 3500 %
0.35 = 35/100 = 7/20
35% = 0.35 = 7/20 in its lowest terms
17.5 when converted into an improper fraction in its lowest terms is 35/2
"Divide" it by 1. 35 = 35/1
Percent is over one hundred. 7/20 = 35/100 = 35%
Since these numbers have no common factors, the fraction can't be simplified. Of course, you can convert it to decimal (divide 35 / 24), or expand the fraction (multiply numerator and denominator by some number).
35 as a fraction = 35/1
Divide percent values by 100 to convert them to fractions. Therefore, 35 % = 35/100 = 7/20. The decimal equivalent is 0.35
3 35/100 =3 7/20 =67/20