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Q: How do you convert 0.33333 in to minutes?
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How do you convert 1.33 minutes into hours?

To convert minutes to hours, divide the number of minutes by 60.

Smedley ran 440 yards in 78 seconds express this time in minutes?

To convert seconds to minutes, divide by 60.To convert seconds to minutes, divide by 60.To convert seconds to minutes, divide by 60.To convert seconds to minutes, divide by 60.

How do you convert hours and minutes to minutes?

take away the minutes and convert the hours to minutes 1h=60min when you are done add the original minutes back

How do you convert years into minutes?

There are 525,600 minutes in a year. To convert years to minutes, multiply the number of years by 525,600.

Which is longer 250 seconds or 4 minutes?

Convert the 4 minutes to seconds (multiply by 60), then compare!Convert the 4 minutes to seconds (multiply by 60), then compare!Convert the 4 minutes to seconds (multiply by 60), then compare!Convert the 4 minutes to seconds (multiply by 60), then compare!

How do you convert fractions to a number of minutes?

A fraction is an arithmetic quantity. Minutes are lengths of time, or sizes of angles. These are not equatable. To convert fractions of an hour to minutes of time multiply by 60. To convert fractions of a day to minutes multiply by 24x60. To convert degrees (of angle) to minutes multiply by 60.

How to convert 19 minutes to hour?

There are 60 minutes in one hour, so to convert 19 minutes to hour is to divide by 60.

How do you calculate minutes vs hours?

To convert minutes to hours, divide the number of minutes by 60. Multiply the number of hours by 60 to convert hours to minutes.

Convert seconds to minutes?

To convert seconds into minutes, divide by 60.

How do you convert 90 centuries in to minutes?

437,040,000 minutes

Convert 5 hours to minutes?

300 minutes